Kiss Your Miracle

motherhood after infertility

Clinging October 12, 2009

Filed under: Faith,Family — Linnea @ 2:11 pm

“We should take more pictures,” my mom said to me the other day, so I’ve been trying to keep my camera ready, especially when my dad is feeling good. I took this photo the other day in the middle of dinnertime chaos. My brothers and sisters were pulling their chairs into our usual circle to eat near my dad’s recliner in the living room, and I think he was smiling at one of them. When I showed my mom the picture later, she said, “Oh that’s not a great shot. I’m hanging onto him so tightly. But keep it anyway. I want to keep every picture of your father.”

Nate &  Margaret Nyman-When I put the picture on the computer later and looked at it more closely, her words came back to me. But I disagree with her. I love the photo, especially the way my mom is holding my dad’s arm. My parents’ fortieth wedding anniversary is this coming November, and throughout my life I’ve watched them put each other first. These days I see it more than ever. My mom is with my dad at every doctor appointment and every cancer treatment. When he goes upstairs to nap, which is a large portion of every day, she follows him up so he doesn’t have to be alone. He counts on her to keep track of his medications and to help into the shower. She cries with him, encourages him, and prays for him too, probably a lot more than we even know.

My family isn’t perfect and we’ve had our share of struggles over the years. But I can honestly say that I’ve never doubted my parents’ love for each other. I’ve never wondered if their marriage would survive. When things are hard for them (and have they ever been harder than they are now?), their response is to cling to each other. I think this photo shows them at their best. And I think that without even realizing it, my parents have given their children something that will never fade: a living picture of what God intended marriage to be.


12 Responses to “Clinging”

  1. Catherine Says:

    i think that picture is absolutely beautiful.

  2. TLC Says:

    Amen to that Linni! I love that photo of your parents and am glad you kept it and shared it with the rest of us. It portrays the deep love they have for each other and one of the treasured moments of smiling through these painful times. All of you are continually on our minds and hearts, as we intercede for each one of you.

  3. Malin Says:

    I love this pix too!!! I miss all of you

  4. Patsy Emholtz Says:

    Thank you, Linni, for sharing this most precious moment in your lives, and yes, it is, the ultimate depiction of what a marriage should be….and you all, imperfect as we all are…are the picture-perfect example of ‘family’…much to be admired and so very loved. Miss you and Skye…but am so very appy for you and family …you’re there…at this time.You’re in my prayers – daily – still praying for all of you. Love ya, GG

  5. Aron Says:

    That’s a great picture! And I love the little plaque hanging over your dad’s head – what a perfect sentiment for that moment. You guys are daily in our prayers the our “God of hope will fill you with all joy and peace as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.” (Rom. 15:13)

    Love and miss you,

  6. Karin Says:

    Thank you for sharing Linnea,I also noted the sign in the background who says it all!
    Love and prayers to all of you!

  7. Brandi Says:

    Brings tears to my eyes… can see their love in their eyes! A picture to cherish forever.

  8. jo Says:

    i love this…
    and right above their heads is “the best place to be is in a loving family”

  9. Luke Says:

    It’s amazing that even now, you can see unmistakable true joy in their eyes. This photo says it all.

  10. Danielle Says:

    What a BEAUTIFUL picture… I know your words all too well… I’ve spoken the same about my parents…what a beautiful example we’ve been shown…we are so lucky!!

  11. Julie Ingraham Jaroski Says:

    LOVE seeing Margaret and Nate! Your parents are a wonderful example of love in action. You are blessed to have godly parents, whether in heaven or on earth. May God go before all of you in this difficult journey.

  12. Regina Baiocchi Says:

    Dear Nate, Hope this note finds you in great Spirits. Please forgive my procrastination. I felt self-conscious because all I have to offer are words. Then I recall that “In the beginning was The Word…” That lead to a song lyric I wrote,”The best things in life are free/ Everything you’ve ever hope to be/ starts in your mind with just one thought: nothing sold, nothing bought/ But in your heart you know it’s real by the special way you feel…” You are special to me and Greg. You remain in our prayers. All the best…