Kiss Your Miracle

motherhood after infertility

Bitterness April 21, 2009

Filed under: Faith,Infertility — Linnea Curington @ 6:37 am

Before I got pregnant I met a woman who went through five years of fertility treatments before finally having her son. She extended sympathy to me and told me not to let anyone minimize my pain. It was validating to hear and I appreciated it. But then she kept talking. She actually went on for quite a while, detailing just how wounded she is from her struggle. Is. Not was. She is still wounded. At this point her son was a teenager.

The interaction really bothered me. I was grateful for her willingness to reach out to me, but at the same time I felt panic rising up inside. I remember thinking, so even if I get pregnant and have a healthy child I’ll still carry around this same pain? This infertility will always be with me? The idea depressed me so much that I made a decision that day. I promised myself that if I ever did become a mother, even if I spent thousands of dollars and years of my life and even if I only had one child, I would let myself join the mommy club. I would choose to identify more with motherhood than with infertility.

Not that it’s always easy. We all know how infertility can affect a woman’s identity. Bitterness is a slow, sneaky thing – we don’t realize we headed down that path until one day we arrive in a place we never intended to be. Anyone can go there, even a woman like me, whose prayers for a baby were answered in a very cool, dramatic way. It takes work to be thankful for what we have, to spend time in that place of gratitude every day. If I don’t stop and deliberately think about it, I’ll drift away and start focusing all my attention on my next prayer request.

My point is not to condemn the woman who tried to comfort me. I just want to check my own heart and mind. Pastor Colin Smith says, “Time only heals if the wound is clean.” If you’ve faced infertility, you’ve dealt with hurt and disappointment and it’s possible to carry that pain around even once you become a mother. The good news is that God knows our hearts and he is always ready to heal us, if only we will let him.


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