Kiss Your Miracle

motherhood after infertility

Disaster January 18, 2010

Filed under: Faith,Motherhood — Linnea @ 1:01 pm

For the past week my mind’s been on overdrive – first spinning with thoughts of Jill and her family and then with the earthquake in Haiti, on top of my preoccupation with my pregnancy and due date, which is now two weeks away.

The other night we were watching the news coverage in Haiti as a doctor interviewed a young woman sitting outside, holding a three month old. “What are you feeding your baby?” the doctor asked. “Sugar water,” she said flatly. The doctor then turned to the camera and said that a young baby who’s fed nothing but sugar water will eventually die of malnutrition. “But even if I had a can of formula,” the doctor continued, “I couldn’t give it to her because it would start a riot.” That mother isn’t the only one without food for her baby.

Of course, my eyes immediately filled with tears. I feel connected to that mom, who would probably sacrifice anything she had to give her baby what she needs. I’ve also been thinking about all the pregnant women in Haiti right now, some of them with the same due date as mine. What will happen when they go into labor? Will they have access to a midwife and a clean place to give birth? What if there are complications? And how many of these new babies will end up really sick? The questions are endless.

To be completely honest, I’m not sure specifically how to respond to the disaster in Haiti. It’s hard to get beyond the sadness of what’s happened. So today I’m praying for a simple thing: that God will give me the ability to have faith that He can bring good – miracles even – out of horrific circumstances.


2 Responses to “Disaster”

  1. Nicki Says:

    I share your frustration and sadness. Prayer and financial donation is the only thing that has helped me feel like I’m doing something. God will use this somehow.

  2. Nancy Says:

    My heart continues to break over the Haiti earthquake. I see the destruction, sadness and horror and ask myself how can I help from this far away. Listening to Moody yesterday, Pastor Lutzer mentioned “Sameritan’s Purse” a christian outreach that alreay has a presence in Haiti. There is a donate page on their website. I turned my tears into dollars hoping my donation would help. I see the children and want to help so dreadfully my heart breaks over and over and over again.